Tribal Sub-Plan project
- Increasing agricultural production and productivity through dissemination of appropriate resource and location specific agricultural technologies.
- Enhancement of livelihood and nutritional security of tribal communities through agro-enterprise diversification.
- Enhancement of farm profit ability among tribal communities through promotion of value addition, agri-premiership and market linkage.
- Professional and entrepreneurial empowerment of tribal communities through mobilization and organization of tribal men, women and youth into primary producer groups.
Summary of work
Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) project titled “Enhancement of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Tribe Communities through Agro-technological Intervention” was sanctioned by Education Division of ICAR, New Delhi on 15.03.2017 vide letter No. 21(30)/2017-EP&HS. This project is being implemented by Bihar agricultural university in the tribal dominated village clusters of three districts, namely Banka, Katihar and Kishanganj.
The larger purpose of project is to achieve the inclusive and sustainable development of the tribal communities in the selected areas through imparting of technical know-how of improved agricultural practices to the tribal farmers, development of vocational skills among resource poor schedule tribe youth and women and ensuring availability of quality technological input material to the potential entrepreneurs and farm technology / practice adopters. The specific objectives on the programme include–
- Dissemination of appropriate resource and location specific agricultural technologies
- Agro-enterprise diversification
- promotion of value addition activities
- Mobilization and organization of tribal men, women and youth into groups
In order to achieve these objectives, five major intervention areas were identified to cover crop production, livestock management and small scale agribusiness sector. These intervention areas include
- Promotion of Short duration rice and Pulse based cropping system
- Backyard poultry
- Kitchen Gardening
- Promotion of Beekeeping and honey production
- Promotion of scientific livestock management practices
As a part of this programme the trainings have been imparted to 60 farmers on various aspects of bee keeping, while 50 tribal families were provided with beekeeping kits. Around five resource poor farmers and landless labourers were given training on backyard poultry management and poultry chicks were provided to them as a promotional handholding support. In order to promote food and nutritional security 369 tribal families were provided with kitchen gardening kits. Each kit consisted of various fruit crop plants as well as vegetable planting material. The tribal households were also made aware about the importance and benefits of maintaining kitchen gardens.
In order to improve the livestock health and productivity, various veterinary interventions were implemented which includes farmer scientist interface meetings, animal vaccination programmes and artificial insemination. As a part of this programme livestock belonging to 113 tribal families were vaccinated. In order to improve the farm productivity in tribal areas, the cultivation of summer moong (green gram), Arhar (red gram) and short duration rice varieties has been popularized among the tribal farmers. As a part of this programme 115 tribal farmers were provided with technical and input assistance for cultivation of Moong whereas 349 farmers were provide with input and technical assistance for Arhar cultivation. In addition to this 548 farmers were provided with technical assistance as well as quality inputs for cultivation of short duration paddy crop.
Location of the work
State and Target district
CD Block

Name of the Project/ Subproject
Type of activity
(Trainings/ FLDs/ Exhibitions/ Exposure visits/ Others)
Enhancement of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Tribe Communities through Agro- technological Intervention (Kishanganj)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal
One day
Vill : Mahsal,
Block : Pothiya
(Part: 45)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal
One day
Vill : Pokhariy Block : Pothiya (Part: 31)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal
One day
Vill: Pokhariya Block: Pothiya (Part: 41)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal
One day
Vill: Sakhuadali
Block : Thakurganj
(Part: 45)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal & SBM
One day
Vill: Hulhuli
Block: Thakurganj
(Part: 60)
Project launch workshop
Inauguration of TSP Programme
One day
Panchayat: Sarugora
Block: Pothiya
(Part: 32)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Sanghosti on Backyard Poultry Farming, Kitchen gardening, Summer Green Gram
One day
Panchayat: Panasi Block: Pothiya (Part: 30)
Capacity building and skill development
Training programme on Goatry
One day
Panchayat: Panasi Block: Pothiya (Part: 47)
Capacity building and skill development
Training programme on Beekeeping
Five days
Vill:- Dhekipara, Block:- Pothia, Dist.:Kishanganj
Enhancement of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Tribe Communities through Agro- technological Intervention (Banka)
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Launching of TSP Project
One day
KVK, Banka
Training-cum- farmer-scientist interface
Training of farmers for scientific Beekeeping
Six days
BAU, Sabour
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal on Goat rearing
One day
Nahratari, Banka
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal on vegetable Nursery Management
One day
Manjhladih, Banka
Farmer-scientist interface meeting
Kisan Chaupal on cultivation of short duration paddy
One day
Major outcomes
Name of the Project/ Subproject
Major Outcomes
(10 bullets per subproject)
Enhancement of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Tribe Communities through Agro-technological Intervention
· Crop intensification through cultivation of short duration summer crops like moong
· Increased land use efficiency due to cultivation of short duration rice varieties, making it possible for early sowing of wheat
· Creation of additional income generation opportunities like poultry and bee keeping
· Improvement in overall animal health due to increased awareness about animal vaccination and quality feed and fodder management
· Increase in area under pulse cultivation due to promotion of pulse crops
· Increase in nutritional security of the landless tribal families as well as small and marginal tribal farm families owing to the introduction of concept of kitchen gardening
· Access of women to the low input come generating opportunities
· Increased awareness of the farmers about scientific poultry, livestock and crop management practices
· Overall increase in farm production and productivity Increase in the quality of living condition of tribal people in the project area
Direct quantifiable benefits to ST population:
- Development of vocational skills among the tribal farmers, youth and women
- Diversification of income sources
- Adoption of improved varieties and crop production practices
- Increase in livestock productivity
- Enhancement in consumption of fruits and
- Increase in income
Total Budget received and utilized
Name of the project/
Sub Project
Budget received
(Rs in lakh)
Budget utilized
(Rs in lakh)
Enhancement of Livelihood Security of Scheduled Tribe Communities through Agro-technological Intervention
Grand Total