The Comptroller shall be as follows:
- he shall be the custodian of the movable and immovable properties of the University including valuable securities, title, deeds and cash and other liquid assets of the University and shall maintain a complete record of all such properties.
- subject to the administrative control of the Vice-Chancellor, he shall regulate all finance, accounts and internal audit establishments of the University and at all its campuses.
- subject to the assignment by the Vice-Chancellor, he shall communicate to the officers authorized to incur expenditure on behalf of the University, their annual and supplementary allotments from the budget allocations under the respective heads of
- he shall ensure that the collection of dues of the University and the incurring of expenditure are well defined and strictly observed.
- he shall bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor financial irregularities, if any, observed in the University.
- he shall consolidate the monthly, half-yearly and annual accounts of the University and all its various constituent units.
- he shall be responsible for presenting the annual accounts and balance sheet to the Statutory Auditors of the University for examination and certification by them.