Scientist Profile

Employee ID BAU BAU2058
Name Dr. S.M. Rahaman
College Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour
Department Agricultural Economics
Designation   Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist
Office Landline  

Education Qualification
Degree Name University Year of Completion
Bacholar Degree
B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons Visva Bharati, Santiniketan 2008
Master Degree
M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agricultural Economics UAS, Bangalore 2010
Ph.D. Degree
PhD in Agricultural Economics BCKV, Mohanpur 2015
Other Degree

Expertise 1. Natural Resource & Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics, Water Policy
2. Farming System Approach, Production Economics
3. Quantitative Economics, Value Chain Management, Entrepreneurship Development

List of Research / Review Article

List of Books

Meena L. K. , Bairwa S. L. , Rahaman S. M. , Kumari M. . , (2018), Agricultural Economics., NIPA Publishers., New Delhi., ISBN:9789386546548.
Rahaman S. M. , (2012), Resource Productivity Potentiality of Urban Sewage-fed Aquaculture., Lambert Academic Publishing Ltd.., Germany., ISBN:978-3-659-9-12342.

List of Book Chapters

Bairwa S. L. , Rahaman S. M. , Meena D. C. , (2019), Private Partnership (P3) in Agricultural Marketing., Write and Print Publications., New Delhi., pp - 38-47., ISBN:978-93-88317-09-2.
Kumari M. . , Bairwa S. L. , Rahaman S. M. , Meena L. K. , (2019), Warehousing and Storage for the Development of Agricultural Marketing., Write and Print Publications., New Delhi., pp - 172-183., ISBN:978-93-88317-09-2.
Bairwa S. L. , Singh R. . , Rahaman S. M. , (2019), Marketing of milk and milk products in India., Write and Print Publications., New Delhi., pp - 90-104., ISBN:978-93-88317-09-2.

List of Research Project

Sl NoProjectTitleCollaborating InstitutionsFunding AgencyProjectBudgetInception YearCompletion Year
An analysis of Makhana Value Chain to Enhance Farmer’s Integration with market NIAM, Jaipur17.0020162017
Modeling and forecasting of yield of major cereal crops in Bihar Bihar Govt. (State Non Plan)0.2520172018
Economic opportunity of technology developed and transferred by BAU, Sabour Bihar Govt. (State Non Plan)1.502019 
Understanding Farm-Household Management Decision making for increased Productivity in the Eastern Gangetic PlainsUniversity of Western AustraliaACIAR, Australia6.502018 
Sabour Agri Incubators (SABAGRIs0 Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India233.0020182020

List of Award

Technology Developed

List of Training